
Gartner highlights four ways chief supply chain officers can respond to...

As inflation rates rise in economies around the world, and a recession might be looming, there are four ways chief supply chain officers (CSCOs) can prepare their leadership response over the next months, according to...

How to create outstanding customer experiences in the 2020s 

The 2020s are proving to be the decade of exciting and revolutionary technology within reach of businesses that are willing to adapt to use it to improve customer experience. Here, James Frampton, SVP and General...

Abdelilah Nejjari, Managing Director for the Gulf Region, Cisco

Europeans turn to hosting as cost of living rises

Airbnb hopes that the European Commission will use the short term rental (STR) initiative to help give more EU citizens the option to share their homes to boost their income. Currently, local rules sometimes mean that...

The move to social media  

As an industry, media has been breaking away from more traditional outlets. This has primarily been fuelled by how consumers’ needs are evolving, with social media now dominating the market. Thierry Nicault,...

Get To Know: Scott Muncaster, Managing Director of Adactus

Scott Muncaster, Managing Director of Adactus, speaks to us about his career so far, how he has ensured his company’s growth and his management philosophy.   What has your career looked like so...

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