
Securing customer loyalty with email and data

Guy Hanson, VP of Customer Engagement at Validity, speaks to Intelligent CXO about the importance of email channels and effective data management. He also tells us about how marketers must combine these elements to...

Research finds SMEs overwhelmed by social media and communication technology

New research has revealed that SMEs are becoming overwhelmed by the noise and distraction of social media channels, communication technology and networking platforms, which are failing to help businesses collaborate...

Businesses prefer ‘dialling-in’ to an event instead of attending in-person 

Nearly two-thirds of business decision-makers have expressed a demand to attend more virtual, as opposed to in-person, events, according to new research commissioned by EventsX, via independent polling agency,...

Tight hiring market sees start-ups channel investment funding toward tech...

More than half (54%) of start-up businesses who have secured PE or VC funding in the past 12 months invested capital in recruitment – up from 37%of those who received their latest funding round between three and...

Hiring for potential in the war for talent 

Embracing less experienced but highly motivated employees with the potential to do great things may well be worth the risk. Karien Spencer, Talent Acquisition Lead at Decision Inc, explains more below. ...

Network modernisation: The key to the future of healthcare

As healthcare organisations continue to introduce IoT devices to their operations, their digital success stories depend on one fundamental component – a reliable network. Jacob Chacko, Regional Director –...

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